Check out "The World's Ending" Zoom production in August!!

"The World's Ending and Maybe That's Kinda Hot" by Catherine Weingarten Presented by The Porch Night Collective


Online showings August 7th-9th.

The World's Ending and Maybe That's Kinda Hot:

A drunk adaptation of "The Decameron" by Boccaccio

Written by Catherine Weingarten

Play Summary: 7 hot young people gather in a generic meadow in Italy to hang and tell stories and hit on each other. They are like all kinda freaked/not in the bestt space though cause they just escaped the Black Plague, like no big deal cause they’re safe now…or are they??

This is a virtual workshop production, adapted and abridged for online performance.

The link will be released to ticket holders within 30 minutes of showtime.

The program may be accessed via Twitter at

Theatre is not on pause- just different!

FILOMENA: Sherifa Razaq

EMILIA: Michelle Payton

LAURETTA: Alexis Waddy

PAMPINEA: Morgan Wenerick

PANFILO: Tyrel Brown

FILOSTRATO: Willem Rogers

DIONEO: Grant Scherini

CLARITA: Miles Lawlor

PLAYWRIGHT: Catherine Weingarten

DIRECTOR: Anna Steuerman

ASST. DIRECTOR: Jordanna Peronico


DRAMATURG: Orlean Vidrine

STAGE MANAGER: Hannah Yankowitz

PRODUCER: Ally Ibach